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Contribute to

(Y)our Future


Thank you for considering a financial donation to Matchbox Children's Theatre. We rely heavily on the support of our patrons to continue providing imaginative productions and educational experiences to children. Please take a moment to read our 2023/2024 Patron Letter and learn about the impact your donation can make. We also welcome an encouraging conversation of ideas and support, and always looking for more volunteers!

As a nonprofit organization, Matchbox relies on help and donations from various funding sources. Thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters, we have been able to do some incredible things! We would love for you to be included in our success. By making a donation today, You will help MCT continue to spark imaginations for future generations!

Click below to directly donate, or you may use PayPal.

Rather help us with specific materials directly? We also have an Amazon Wish List where we list all the different items you could buy to help supply our classes, camps and performances. Anything you would like to help with on this list is greatly appreciated.


- Each production costs between $5,000 and $7,000.

- Our plays last about an hour with no intermission.

- MCT performs the Halloween WarmUp, a series of classes and camps, plus two regular productions a year.

- MCT also performs a summer production, which is privately performed as a part of our theatre camp curriculum.

As a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, Matchbox relies on help and donations from various funding sources. Thanks to the continued generosity of our supporters, we have been able to do some incredible things! We would love for you to be included in our success. By becoming a sponsor, you will help MCT continue to spark imaginations for future generations!​

Please view our packages below to see how we can work together. :)

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